Gameplay Demo 3 out now!

gameplay demo 3 is out now lol


  • added "cadet mode", an easier difficulty option
  • added most of the fabled long-anticipated "ice level"
    • I didn't have time to add the boss yet, so Manta is there as a placeholder
  • made some balance changes to weapons:
    • cannon projectiles now have smaller blast radius and their explosions deal a bit less damage
    • shotgun projectiles have had their proc coefficient halved (meaning on-hit items will proc less often)
    • rifle projectiles are now bigger and properly pierce armor (that was broken before lol)
  • added a new upgrade
  • added a CRT filter (f6 to toggle it)
  • added new keybinds:
    • f6 - toggle CRT filter
    • shift + r - restart level
    • shift + t - go to test level (you don't need to do this lol)

Files 60 MB
28 days ago

Get LRRS: Chaos Survivors Gameplay Demo

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